Agile cheat sheet for beginners

Agile cheat sheet for beginners Agile is a popular and effective approach to software development that has gained popularity in recent years. Agile focuses on flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development to deliver better products faster. If you’re new to Agile, it can be overwhelming to understand all of the terminology, methodologies, and best practices involved. …

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OWASP Cheat Sheet for beginners

OWASP cheat sheet for beginners As cyberattacks become increasingly sophisticated and frequent, it is more important than ever to prioritize web application security. One of the most widely recognized resources for web application security is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). OWASP provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and best practices for developers to …

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The Ultimate Big O Cheat Sheet: Unlock Algorithm Complexities

The Ultimate Big O Cheat Sheet: Understanding Algorithm Complexities Big O notation is a mathematical concept that is often used in computer science and algorithms to describe the performance of a given algorithm. It is a way of expressing how the time or space complexity of an algorithm grows as the size of the input …

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API Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide for Junior Developers

API cheat sheet This API cheat sheet is designed to be a comprehensive guide for junior developers looking to understand the basics of APIs. It covers the key concepts, common terminology, and examples that will help you start working with APIs quickly and confidently. Whether you’re new to programming or an experienced developer looking to …

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Understanding Key Programming Concepts for a developer

As a programmer, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the concepts and technologies that are commonly used in software development. Whether you’re a front-end developer, a back-end developer, or a full-stack developer, there are certain skills and knowledge that are essential to succeed in your role. In this article, we’ll take a look …

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C Programming 101: A Beginner’s Cheat Sheet to Get You Started

C Programming 101: A Beginner’s Cheat Sheet to Get You Started Welcome to your C programming cheat sheet! This handy guide is designed to help you quickly and easily reference some of the most commonly used concepts and commands in C programming. C is a powerful and versatile programming language that has a rich history …

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Pinging Mac Address: A Tutorial for Network Troubleshooting

Pinging mac address is a great way to troubleshoot network connectivity issues. It’s a simple process that can help you determine whether a device on your network is responding as expected. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to Ping a mac address on a Mac or Windows computer: First, open the Command Prompt on Windows …

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Redefining Professionalism: Embracing Our Humanity in the Workplace

It’s time to redefine the word “professional.” Why is this word tinted with cold and inhumanity? Being professional nowadays is so far from everything that characterizes us as human beings, especially for women. We’re told to suppress our emotions, prioritize our work lives over our personal lives, and be superficial. And let’s not even get …

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