Redefining Professionalism: Embracing Our Humanity in the Workplace

It’s time to redefine the word “professional.” Why is this word tinted with cold and inhumanity? Being professional nowadays is so far from everything that characterizes us as human beings, especially for women. We’re told to suppress our emotions, prioritize our work lives over our personal lives, and be superficial. And let’s not even get …

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ai writing tools featured image

AI writing tools won’t make authors extinct. Here’s why

Recently, I reached peak doom-scroll levels on Twitter. My Earl Grey tea went cold by the time I trekked through the epic thread foretelling a dystopian future for novel writers like us. It claimed we’ll be rendered obsolete by Artificial Intelligence; the only viable career option in five years’ time is “prompt generators” for our machine learning …

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My first experience was so horrible that I wanted to quit

The first experience is always hard because everything is new to you. You have to manage a lot of new information, you face the imposter syndrome because you don’t feel ready for the job. College doesn’t prepare us for that. Hopefully, you hold on, and it gets easier. My first experience was definitely THE WORST  …

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Feeling I don’t belong during my first weeks studying computer science

When I started to study computer science, my first feeling was clear: I don’t belong here! You might wonder what could make me feel that. I will develop. This feeling is not new for me, growing up in France being from an Arab ascendance and Muslim makes you often feel like you don’t belong in …

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