Understanding Key Programming Concepts for a developer

As a programmer, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the concepts and technologies that are commonly used in software development. Whether you’re a front-end developer, a back-end developer, or a full-stack developer, there are certain skills and knowledge that are essential to succeed in your role. In this article, we’ll take a look …

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Pinging Mac Address: A Tutorial for Network Troubleshooting

Pinging mac address is a great way to troubleshoot network connectivity issues. It’s a simple process that can help you determine whether a device on your network is responding as expected. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to Ping a mac address on a Mac or Windows computer: First, open the Command Prompt on Windows …

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featured images include json in yaml file

Include JSON object in YAML

If you are using YAML you might want to include a JSON object in your file. Here are two ways to do that : For a big object You can use this notation with a “>” students: > [{“name”:”Dupont”,”firstname”:”Marie”,”age”:19}, [{“name”:”Smith”,”firstname”:”John”,”age”:18}, [{“name”:”Doe”,”firstname”:”Janne”,”age”:19}] You can also use the pipe “|” students: | [{“name”:”Dupont”,”firstname”:”Marie”,”age”:19}, [{“name”:”Smith”,”firstname”:”John”,”age”:18}, [{“name”:”Doe”,”firstname”:”Janne”,”age”:19}] For a …

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