Top five free AI tools to help marketers write better quicker

Quillbot. Peggy. Jasper. These might sound like House of the Dragon characters. But they’re among the countless new kids on the writers’ block of free AI writing tools for wordsmiths.

Are you an ideas-rich and time-poor marketer? Believe me, I’ve been there. Or maybe you need a cure for blank-screen anxiety that strikes mid email campaign? You’re in luck. Here’s my tried-and-tested rundown of Artificial Intelligence apps to coach you into scoring more copy successes.  

Prowritingaid logo

1. The Style Coach: ProWritingAid

There’s more to good writing than correct spelling. ProWritingAid delivers 20 in-depth reports – more than any other software – which analyse your copy to elevate the style to new levels.

Sweep for readability, clichés, sticky sentences, adverbs, and passive voice to get you started. (Disclaimer: I ran this article through ProWritingAid and made a few tweaks!).

Price: There’s a free version, or go premium from $20 a month. It’s also the only AI writing software I know of that offers a one-off lifetime access payment option. 

Jasper logo

2. The Blog Post Coach: Jasper

 Jasper is the ultimate software for cooking up consumer content 10x faster, thanks to its ‘Recipe’ function. These are AI-generated templates with all the ingredients for an oven-ready blog post, including: topic ideas; headline; outline; and intro/end paragraphs. Or spice up your narrative with the ‘Creative Story’ template. A bonus feature is integration with SurferSEO software. Bon appétit.

Price: Try a free trial of 10,000 words or purchase a Starter account from $24 a month.

grammarly logo3. The Grammar Coach: Grammarly

Need an all-rounder for accurate writing that works where you do? Look no further. This software promises to “make your communication clear and effective, wherever you write”. Here’s the touch of genius. Grammarly can move with you across apps, emails, social media, and documents. 

Just remember it’s an AI proofreader rather than a content generator. Use it to tame rule-breaking punctuation marks, or hunt stray subordinate clauses. You can run checks on brand voice consistency too. Best bit? If your marketing budget’s as tiny as a comma, the free version is still highly effective for polishing your prose.

Price: Free, or premium plans from $12 a month.

Hemingway app logo4. The Sentence Coach: Hemingway

 You’ve nailed the grammar. Now you need slick sentences. The Hemingway App highlights wordy lines in yellow to help you cut the dead weight. Bold? Tick. Clear? Tick. Simple? Tick. The plain interface provides a distraction-free writing environment too. You can even publish direct to WordPress and Medium. Most copywriters will fall head over heels for this app’s simplicity.

 However, my fondness for the semicolon is like a doomed love affair from an Ernest Hemingway novel; it does me no good, but I struggle to be parted from it. As the eponymous author himself said: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed”.

Price: free on your browser, or purchase the desktop 3.0 version for $19.

Copyai logo5. The Social Media Coach: Copyai

Copyai produces remarkably human results, and it excels at short-form copy. Struggling to generate engaging daily posts on social? This is the tool for you. Select the channel, the main point, and the tone. For example: Instagram, a key product detail, and friendly. Voila. Out pops a caption you can edit and make your own. It’s just like magic, and a hell of a lot easier than pulling a rabbit from a top hat.

Price: 2,000 free words, or $49 a month.


Here’s a little bonus: I also highly recommend Lately, Writesonic, and Copysmith.

What are you waiting for? Try out these free AI writing tools to coach you into smashing your goal of writing winning copy. Connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know what worked for you.

Related article by Bethan James

ai writing tools featured image

Tools I use for this site

  • I buy all my domain names on  Namecheap, as
  • The hosting of this website is made on Bluehost.
  • The website is created with (and not
  • I use the page builder Elementor because it makes it easy to create modern pages with drag and drop.
  • I have multiple websites, and on most of them, I use themes from wpKoi. I love their design, they are very original and work well with Elementor.
  • All the designs and images are created using canvas.
  • I use Grammarly and languagetool to correct all my spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • SEO is a big thing on a website, I use a WordPress plugin called YoastSEO to help me with the basic analysis. I also use a tool called Keysearch for choosing the right keywords.
  • To handle affiliate links, I use two platforms: impact and ShareASale.

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