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AI writing tools won’t make authors extinct. Here’s why

Recently, I reached peak doom-scroll levels on Twitter. My Earl Grey tea went cold by the time I trekked through the epic thread foretelling a dystopian future for novel writers like us. It claimed we’ll be rendered obsolete by Artificial Intelligence; the only viable career option in five years’ time is “prompt generators” for our machine learning …

Read moreAI writing tools won’t make authors extinct. Here’s why

free ai writing tools

Top five free AI tools to help marketers write better quicker

Quillbot. Peggy. Jasper. These might sound like House of the Dragon characters. But they’re among the countless new kids on the writers’ block of free AI writing tools for wordsmiths. Are you an ideas-rich and time-poor marketer? Believe me, I’ve been there. Or maybe you need a cure for blank-screen anxiety that strikes mid email …

Read moreTop five free AI tools to help marketers write better quicker
