Underrepresentation of women in tech is a big concern, as future jobs tend to be more IT-related. Nevertheless, we can see an increase in women in this field. And It’s just the beginning. A lot of organizations and communities have been created to support women in tech. Besides, a lot of women role models are emerging, and it is inspiring the new generation of girls to get into tech. I gathered a total of 55 organizations/communities to empower women in tech and help them succeed. I hope you will find what you are looking for.

Access a new career in Technology
SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women
Highly recommended by over 50,000+ women

50inTech creates the match between talented women and safe workplaces.

Redefining Success for Minority/Muslim women Through Technology.

Committed to designing collaborative and supportive environments that encourage female participation and inclusion in the swiss tech ecosystem.

Only 12% of engineers in Silicon Valley are women and far fewer hold engineering leadership positions.
divhersity is a tight knit community around this small population, providing women with the support and access they need to reach the VP Engineering & CTO levels.


Le collectif souhaite rendre visibles les femmes travaillant dans les domaines du Numérique et de la Technologie. Également, l’objectif est faire découvrir les métiers de l’ingénierie informatique aux femmes et aux jeunes filles.

I hope you found this list useful.
If you know any other resource or tool not mentioned in the article, please share it in the comment section below, I’ll update the list with every relevant suggestion from you.