Our fifth woman to be featured in this series of interviews women in tech is Donia Chaiehloudj, a backend software engineer from France. Donia was the first one to follow my page on LinkedIn, and she always reacts to my posts. To be honest, sometimes she is the only one to react.
You know, I dedicate a lot of time to creating content I think could be useful for people. Nevertheless, these last weeks had been very hard on me because some days my website gets only 2 views, knowing that one is mine. A little depressing. I was starting to think that maybe I should give up. Then, I received one very sweet message of support from a person I didn’t even know, and this message made up for all my negativity and gave me the strength to keep going on. Hint: That message was from Donia.
Enough about me now, we are here to discover the experience of Donia. Note that she is starting to develop her website, so don’t hesitate to follow her to learn more about her publications.
Could you start by a small presentation so we can get to know you better?
Donia, 28 years old, Back-end Software Engineer.
I am a software engineer, currently transitioning from Thales Alenia Space to a startup called Powder. I have worked with Go and cloud tech. And I love it. I have been working in satellite image processing and control center for satellites. I have been a QA engineer at the beginning of my career, but I did not find enough challenges, so I changed as a backend developer 3 years ago. When I am AFK, you can find me dancing, sewing or hiking.
What motivated you to work in a STEM field?
I kind of always knew that I wanted to be in the STEM universe, but it took me a few years to determine that IT engineering was really my thing.
How did you learn your technical skills?
I learn a lot from my peers and from the incredible resources on the internet!
How is it to find a job?
Easy. Finding an interesting one is harder.
Have you experienced imposter syndrome? If yes, could you tell us a little about it?
Yes, all the time!! I did not even begin my new job at Powder and I already feel like an imposter. I guess it will disappear in a few months when I will handle the domain.
How do you feel about being a minority in STEM as a female? Have you had any uncomfortable situations to share? Or a funny situation?
At Thales, I thought for a few weeks that they hired me only because I am a female.
That is one among others.
What do you like about your job?
I do not get bored. I love to craft software, refactor and create something.
Are you happy with your career choice?
How do you expect to grow in the future?
After landing on Developer relations and Developer Advocate offers, it became my new goal. I am currently building my website and writing one article per month.
What would you say to a girl/woman who wants to start a career in STEM?
Go go go! You will not be disappointed by the plethora of domains and offers. Also, it can really be well paid.
Follow Donia through these platforms:
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