Women in tech series: interview with Sera

sera interview

Let us continue our series of interviews Women experience in STEM with the testimony of Sera. I happened to exchange some messages with her on social media, as I saw that she lives in the Netherlands. I wanted to know more about her experience in the country at that time. Sera was very kind to answer my questions and reassured me on many points. On top of that, she publishes great technical content on Instagram.

Sera’s experience is a great example for people who want to change careers and work in tech.

Could you start by a small presentation so we can get to know you better?

I am Sera a Software Developer at Adidas. I come from Italy but I lived in the UK, Germany, China and I am currently based in the Netherlands. I love designer items, traveling and puzzling (Sudoku and coding algorithm also count 😉).

What motivated you to work in a STEM field?

As Product Owner, I worked with many inspiring engineers. A few years ago, they sparked my interest in more technical topics and eventually inspired me to switch to a technical career last year.

How is it to find a job?

Competitive if you don’t have much experience. However, with some practice and preparation, you will find some opportunities to grow in the field.

Have you experienced imposter syndrome? If yes, could you tell us a little about it?

Sometimes. When I feel I am not adequately prepared, I interpret it as a sign to gain more knowledge rather than a letdown. It’s about managing my expectations and being kind to myself. If I don’t know something, I study it. Until I like it, I will keep on doing it.

How do you feel about being a minority in STEM as a female? Have you had any uncomfortable situations to share? Or a funny situation?

My colleagues contributed to where I’m at now. I didn’t experience uncomfortable situations. More points of view in tech are still needed but I didn’t feel resistance against it in the context I worked in. Diversity is encouraged and actively sought.

What do you like about your job?

Logic. Immediate feedback on work. The possibilities to learn are endless.

Are you happy with your career choice?


How do you expect to grow in the future?

Keep on learning is continuous growth.

What would you say to a girl/woman who wants to start a career in STEM?

Do more of what scares you, have a positive outlook on life and keep on learning.

Anything else you would like to share?

If you want to follow my journey in tech connect with me on IG @codewithsera

If you want to follow Sera here is her Instagram :

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